Your health is our top priority and in accordance with governmental orders and guidelines, we are pleased to announce a carefully planned, comprehensive approach to reopening. We will work together, staff with members to cooperatively improve everyone’s well-being.
Preparing for Your Return: In addition to following government issued guidelines, World Gym is taking extra precautions to help our members and staff stay safe and healthy. This includes extensive cleaning protocols and social/physical distancing practices within all areas of the gym.
Taking A Comprehensive Approach: We continue to follow stringent protocols for proper cleaning, disinfection and sanitation, operations and maintenance, as well as adding additional procedures and staff to achieve a new level of cleanliness.
Adding More Deep Cleans: We have expanded the sanitation/disinfection of high-touch surfaces. Hours and schedules have been adjusted to allow for daily and overnight deep cleaning.
Providing Self-Cleaning and Sanitizing Stations: Sanitization stations have been strategically located with spray and wipes in close proximity to all equipment. Alcohol based hand sanitization units will be conveniently located throughout the club. Please use them.
Implementing A Safer Way to Be Together: We are taking careful actions to facilitate social/physical distancing. Look for extra signs to guide you through each space and help us all practice social/physical distancing.
Prioritizing Staff Safety: World Gym is dedicated to the health and safety of our entire community, including our great staff. In addition to adapting the environment in which they work to help ensure adequate spacing, our personnel will be required to wear masks. Any staff that does not meet the health criteria will be sent home. If any staff member is experiencing any symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, they will not be permitted to work that day and will be advised to seek medical attention.
Providing Additional Equipment Spacing: You will notice increased spacing between equipment and within workout areas to allow for appropriate social/physical distancing. Various signs will indicate the equipment in use and those pieces that will be rotated into use. Additional signs will instruct you to respect each other’s distance and use only certain pieces of equipment.
Modifying Group X Fitness Classes: The classes will start 1-2 weeks after our initial opening. Due to regulations and guidelines provided, we will be limiting attendance to Group Fitness classes. Group fitness classes will require reservations, and schedules will be adjusted to be consistent with governmental orders and guidelines and to allow for thorough cleaning between classes. We will put out a condensed schedule in place that still allows for the most popular styles of classes along with the instructors and coaches you are familiar with. Look for floor indicators in your class, placed 6 feet apart to help practice social/physical distancing. Equipment, when applicable, will be laid out for you at the beginning of class. Classes will be spaced to allow for the sanitizing of the room and equipment.
Adjusting Our Kids Club: Initially upon reopening, our Kids Club will remain closed. Once this space is reopened, the schedule will be adjusted to be consistent with governmental orders and guidelines to help our children practice social/physical distancing. A clean, safe environment is always a top priority for our little members. Extra effort will be made to clean, sanitize and disinfect several times throughout the day. Reservations may also be required.
Modifying Locker Rooms: Based on governmental orders and guidelines to reopen, our lockers and showers are to remain closed until further notice. However, use of the toilets and sinks are permitted. Once these initial restrictions are lifted, we will continue to practice social/ physical distancing and only certain lockers will be available for use and they will be spaced out accordingly. We will perform frequent sanitization of shared surfaces throughout the day using EPA-registered, virus-killing disinfectants.
Providing a More Personal, Personal Training Experience: Staff will clean and wipe down each piece of equipment before and after each use. To protect members and coaches we will practice social/physical distancing of 6 feet during 1:1 sessions, eliminate any physical contact and masks will be required to be worn by all staff. When available, training may be done outdoors or in other areas in the club to help encourage health and safety.
Physical/Social Distancing: We know you are excited to see your workout buddies again. However, we ask that everyone avoid any person-to-person contact, including first bumps, shaking hands, high fives and hugs. You can cheer on your fellow athletes and workout buddies from a distance. For the health and safety of all members and staff, please take social/ physical distancing seriously and abide by club signage and equipment selections. Where signage is not posted, please adhere to the minimum 6' rule.
Take A Concerned Approach: Please utilize the Sanitation Stations that have been provided and strategically placed throughout the facility. Both before and after using a piece of equipment, please take the time to wipe it down thoroughly and dispose of the items properly in the provided trash receptacles. If you are unsure of how to properly use the sanitizing wipes or equipment, please ask a staff member for assistance.
Sanitize Often: Upon entering the facility, please sanitize your hands immediately and make good use of our Sanitation Stations throughout the facility during your workouts. Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds prior to leaving the facility and for good measure sanitize them again as you leave.
Help Us, Help You: No, we are not asking that you approach other members and enforce our code, but if you see a piece of equipment or part of the facility that may need some attention, please notify us immediately. The more eyes we have monitoring the facility, the better we can serve you. If for some reason you feel as though there is a safety concern in regard to another member not doing their part, please do not approach them, but instead, notify us so we may address it.
Be Patient with Others: The club should be a safe haven and welcoming environment for all. This includes our hard working and caring staff members. Please understand that with some of these new guidelines you may need to wait a little longer for assistance or will be required to adjust your schedule or workouts. We ask that you treat all other members and our staff with respect and dignity and appreciate your patience as we navigate this new terrain together. And as always, should you have a suggestion, please let us know.
Self-Regulate Your Health: We are not medical professionals, but are required to follow local, provincial and federal guidelines for health and safety. Therefore, if you have SYMPTOMS OF ANY KIND: fever of any degree, cough, runny nose, etc. Please do not come to the club. STAY HOME. Seek the help of a medical professional before resuming your workouts here at the gym. If for some reason you do test positive for COVID19 and have visited the gym, please notify us immediately so we can take even further action for the safety of our fitness family.
Limit Use of Kids Club: If you need to utilize the services of our Kids Club, we ask that you understand our need for strict adherence to our NO SICK CHILD policy. Each child may be subject to a Temperature Check, and if we suspect or notice any possible symptoms: cough, fever, runny nose- we will deny entry and ask for your understanding in the matter. Limited reservations may be required so please be understanding and patient with this process. We are highly sensitive to the needs of our young members and appreciate your cooperation.
Understand Your Responsibility: By returning to the facility, I understand that I must do my part to help keep the facility open, and to keep myself and my fellow members and staff safe and healthy. I agree to abide by the Code of Cooperation and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, I reaffirm the Waiver which I executed on my original Member Agreement, and voluntarily assume the risk of use of these facilities.
As we navigate through the reopening of our gym, there will likely be some new challenges and adjustments to daily operations.
Amenities and programming will vary with time and be consistent with governmental orders and guidelines. We appreciate your help and understanding as we work through this time together.